
Full Stack Development - CollabHub

Star Implementation of Project Management Application Star


CollabHub is a project management application that is aiming to enhance team productivity and to facilitate project tracking.

The application separates users in two categories – team members and team leaders. Based on the role of a user, different actions can be performed, such as creating a new project – either a blank project or from a template – assigning tasks to team members, tracking progress of the project, editing team members and so on. 


For this project, I opted for working individually rather than in a group, because I believed that this would help me practice all the knowledge and skills that I had earner throughout my education, while also being able to learn new skills and develop new knowledge in certain areas. 

The requirements for the project were to create a project management application that includes q REST API for the back end, and for the front end we had free choice of framework or library that we wanted to use. 



Type of project

Full Stack Development

GitHub Repository

Technologies used

React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript


For the front end of the application, I used React.js in order to practice more and become more proficient in it. The application is deployed on Render.com (link) and for this purpose I created a pipeline that handles the deployment job, rather than deploying the application every time there is a new commit on GitHub. Due to having a basic version of Render, the loading time for the page can be quite long sometimes. The following credentials can be used when testing the application, to login as a project leader: email – [email protected], password – password.

Git is utilized for version control, with the project repository hosted on GitHub. MongoDB Atlas is used to store and manage user data, project information, and other relevant data. JSON Web Tokens are used for user authentication, providing a secure way to transmit information between parties.