PHP Practice Project - Webshop Selling Bottle Caps
Cap Wizards
Cap Wizards is an eco-conscious web shop that offers a unique selection of recycled bottle caps, promoting sustainability. The main idea behind this website was to provide a platform where eco-conscious individuals can access a unique selection of recycled bottle caps for their DIY projects or as collectors’ items, all while making a positive impact on the environment.
This project was created in collaboration with two other classmates, for our first semester project from the top up bachelor’s degree. The requirements were to create a web shop using PHP as the programming language, and we were not allowed to use any frameworks with it.
It was also required that our application should include a front page containing “About us”, “Daily offers” and “News” sections – all of them loaded from the database – as well as a recommendation system when the user is viewing one of the products, a contact form and an admin panel where the admin can edit or delete certain information or products.
The user interface does not respect any design laws or principles in terms of the look and feel of it, but the goal of this project was to familiarize ourselves with PHP and build an application using this programming language, with a focus on the backend of it.
Git was utilized for version control, with the project repository hosted on GitHub, providing collaboration and code management capabilities. The application uses a MySQL database to store and manage user data, product information, and other relevant content. The application was hosted on, but since then the domain is no longer mine and therefore it cannot be accessed.